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MuseHub Can’t Run



  • Official comment
    Hub Team

    Unfortunately, the toolkit that we use to build the map app upon is only supported back to 11.5.  The app is unable to run on systems older than this.  We are looking into ways to add support for older systems, but this is not a trivial change, so it may be a bit.  Sorry for the inconvenience!

  • Rotaton-e


    Maybe the following could help or is worth the try. Before doing you might want to keep a copy of the app-bundle. But really speeking you could just redownload the app.

    • Select the app-bundle „Muse” and choose „Show package content” in the context menu by rightclick.

    • A folder „Contents” is shown. Open the folder and open the file „Info.plist” in there with a text editor.

    • In the text further down you will see the lines


    This checks for the operating system version installed on your computer. Replace the „11.5” with e. g. „10.0”.

    Do not forget to save the changes. Quit the text editor.

    If the system check logic is not more sophisticated than this simple instruction-based check then your app should launch now - pretending you have a version of macOS 10.X.

    I have had luck with this in the past to run apps like FinalCut Pro or Logic despite not „meeting” the system requirement.

    But keep in mind that the minimum system requirement parameter is there for a reason - so you might experience weired app behavior after initial launch, or crashes.

  • Matheson Hertel

    Unfortunately, changing that causes the system to recognize that it’s damaged, and only lets me move it into the trash, even if I try to run from the terminal.

  • Danilo Madonia

    Well, I'm in the same bandwagon and I'm afraid many professional musicians out there will soon join the club of the "usupported MacOs complainer". Why? Because usually a machine with a complex system filled with DAW plugs, PCI, audio interfaces n stuff, run smooth and safe on a slightly older MacOs, were all the quirks have been already solved. At the end of the day we gotta end the score/arrangement/mix, and whichever MacOs does a great job, it'll be fine.

    To be honest, it doesn't make any sense to me that HUB doesn't work on a 2019 MacBookPro 16" running Catalina (10.15.7). Usually hub (downloader) run on every MacOs, and many of them give the user the opportunity to load a version that works with older MacOs. This is true for Native Access, UVI Portal, Plugin Alliance Install Manager, Sonalksis Plugin manager, 8DIO downloader, Pulse dowloader etc. Sometimes can happen the other way around, where the downloaded items (Plugs/Apps/Sounds library) are not compatible with the running MacOs, but the download manager works anyway.

    One sign that at the moment something isn't quite right, could be the fact that we (users) have the possibilities to download MuseScore4 even without HUB; but then we cannot download the instruments to use it at its best. ¿?


  • Gabriel Lundgren

    I'm also affected by this, running Catalina 10.15.7 on a Mac Pro 5,1 (like most composers out there, I'd imagine).

    If the team could compile a version of the hub that works for Mojave and upwards, that would be fantastic.

  • Danilo Madonia

    You're imagining pretty well, my main system is the same as yours. We just need a Hub that runs there


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