MuseSounds disappear...
Today I installed the new guitars 2 library, but now I can't load the Muse Choir (I can't see it in the Mixer, but it is correctly installed). I downloaded again the Muse Choir, now it is available, but the guitars disappeared... It's really frustrating!
Another problem: In a score I changed all the sounds in the Mixer, from MS Basic to Musesound. Saved the file, opened again and... all the sounds in the Mixer are MS Basic again!
I have the disappearing Guitars Vol.2 problem as well. It works for a while, then disappears.
Reported it with the musehub application a week ago but have received no reply other than a message that the issue was logged.
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Thank you for your message. I reported the problem too, but without any feedback.
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Hopefully they will get it figured out. I really liked the sounds.
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They seem to have it resolved. It was a conflict in the ID of the Guitars Vol. 2 and another library. (For me, it was MuseChoir. I don't know if that is universal or just on my configuration.)
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Hi everyone,
Thanks for reporting this issue!
As David says, there was an ID clash between Muse Choir & Guitars Vol. 2. We have released an update to Muse Choir that is now available on the Hub and should fix this issue.
Matthew - Muse Sounds
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