Problem with tied notes
Please listen to the following published score:
As the score moves through notes of the C major scale:
- On line 1, you'll hear notes start earlier than they should
- On line 2, you'll hear notes "repeat" once within the tie
MuseHub Version 2.0.25 (1730932019); 2024-11-06
- MuseScore Studio: OS: macOS 13.5, Arch.: arm64, MuseScore Studio version (64-bit): 4.4.3-242971445, revision: github-musescore-musescore-eb6b367
- MuseScore Audio buffer: 256
- Macbook Air M2, 24 GB
I'll open a bug report ticket for you so that we can look in to this.
Matthew - Muse Sounds
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Thank you, Mathew
Regarding the report ticket you've opened is it something I can follow, or is it private?
Much appreciated.
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I'm afraid that it is private, but I have made a note of the url for this page and will keep you posted.
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Thanks. I look forward to your update.
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